

Our Treatments

Head & Hair Problems

Dandruff, Hair fall, Baldness, Premature greying of hair, Migraine, Tension, Headache.

Skin Problems

Pimples, Warts, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Vitiligo.

Respiratory Problems

Asthma, Tuberculosis, Sinusitis, Tonsillitis, Nasal polyp.

Gastric Problems

Peptic ulcer, Gas trouble, Indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diarrheal diseases.

Renal Troubles

Kidney stone, Urinary irritation, Renal failure, Glomerular nephritis

Rectal Disorders

Piles, Anal fissure, Anal fistula, Constipation

Female Problems

Menstrual disorder, PCOD, Uterine fibroid, Infertility, Fibro adenoma of breast, Ca Breast

Male Problems

Improper seminal emission, Erectile dysfunction, Benign hypertrophy of prostate, Sterility.

General Problems

Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Obesity, all types of fevers, all types of joint pains, Arthritis and gout.

Psychological Disorders

Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Irritability and stress

Benefits of Homoeopathic Treatment

  • Has no side effects
  • Has fast recovery and permanent cure
  • Treatment is more effective for prolonged incurable diseases
  • Has no dietary restriction except coffee
  • Medicines are prepared from natural products
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